



3、这些描写英雄们打击敌人的漫画书也同补给一起送到了前线,成为军中的精神食粮,激励着士兵们英勇奋战。 虽然同期也出现过不少和美国队长漫画风格相似的作品,但美国队长是众多同类作品和二次大战期间中最突出、最受欢迎的超级英雄。


美国队长(Captain America)是美国漫威漫画旗下超级英雄,初次登场于《美国队长》(Captain America Comics)第1期(1941年3月),由乔·西蒙和杰克·科比联合创造,被视为美国精神的象征。

本名史蒂文·“史蒂夫”·罗杰斯(Steven “Steve” Rogers),1920年7月4日出生于美国纽约布鲁克林区,原本是一名身体瘦弱的新兵,在接受美国政府的实验改造后变成了“超级士兵”,这使其力量、速度、耐力等各项体能都远超出于常人,且还被美国政府赋予了由世界上最坚硬的金属之一振金制成的盾牌,从此史蒂夫以美国队长的身份,为美国及世界在二战中立下显赫战。



April 12, 1912 in preparation for the maiden voyage of the Titanic parked in the port, the terminal on the sea of people, with each other in human history has witnessed the largest and most luxurious ship Rose, a beautiful Lady and the beautiful aristocratic mother and her fiance Kaerhuoli together on a first-class At the same time, another hero of the film - a young street artist Jack Dawson lucky enough to rely on gambling to win the third-class tickets Titanic set sail, and the early spring weather on the Atlantic Ocean, Jack and his partners stand in view fore front of excited, as if they belong to the world at this time Rose in the upper class circles of communication in life, are already tired of the silly talk of nobility, and feel no different from Longzhongzhiniao, she came to the deck with a worried frown to look from afar, Paiqian unhappy situation Jack Rose saw that she was deeply attracted by the quality As night fell, Rose and the future of marriage is a great choice; she dashed to the deck, jumped into the sea trying to end his life Jack was found in a timely manner and at a crucial moment in its own good faith to persuade the Rose Despite Karl reluctantly, but in return for the rescue of Jack's ex wife, he had no choice but to invite Jack to dine in first class Karl wanted to use the opportunity to a cold, Jack Chen, Jack did not expect the table in front of a frank statement of Full House has won acclaim Since then, two of Jack and Rose met and began to understand each other, Jack Rose to reveal the hearts of depressed Jack in the guidance and accompanied by, Rose has been a long time to recover the lost happiness, broad smiles on their faces finally re-filled in her face Rose's fiance Karl found between Jack and Rose, the hearts of very unhappy about it, he gave Rose a priceless diamond necklace, "Perliamo", and she expressed her intention to win the minds and the Rose Favor However, in the eyes of Rose, Carl is just a little full of snobbish, from the heart, do not want her to marry him But with her mother under the pressure, Rose had intended to avoid the feelings of Jack, Rose is for this reason that he has realized that deep in love with Jack From friend to love, although only a few days short period of time, Rose and Jack can not be separated In the bedroom, put on a Rose "Perliamo", drawn up by Jack goes to her portrait will never forget Rose and the family decided to ignore the Li Shu pressure in the Titanic after the landing and Jack to live, it seems that the well-being away from the couple only Zhichizhiyao White Star Shipping Manager Bulusiyi Smelser order for the Titanic across the Atlantic to create the fastest record, regardless of potential threats to the tip of Smith hinted that the captain increase the speed On the 14th night of unusually calm sea, Titanic is still running at full speed Lookout discovered the tip of the front immediately after the first mate and notice the cockpit, but the great inertia of the ship is too late to escape, the right side of the hull was split tip of the six compartments flooded Goers will be the Titanic sank within two hours While on board the lifeboat only half of the passengers on board plunged into a panic Unexpectedly, this time by Jack Hawley to the diamond theft in the name of frame to frame, and in the lower cabin Do not know the truth of the Rose, together with the people on deck waiting for a lifeboat, she still believes Jack is innocent Rose, desperate to return to the empty cabin to find Jack and get a critical moment in the life-saving ax, he was rescued The two came to the deck, Jack Rose in the persuasion on the lifeboat Lifeboat to lay down slowly, looking trance Rose, all of a sudden, she gave up the escape may be the last chance to jump back to the Titanic, the couple hugged tightly "Ship of Dreams" Titanic began to sink slowly, the tragedy began to play The dark ocean and the sky even as a merciless swallow the desperate passengers Rose went to the stern with Jack, climbed on the railing (that is, they love the place to start) until the end, until the Titanic sank The two struggled to a huge whirlpool, Jack Rose will put him on a piece of floating wood, but his immersion in cold water Several hours later, rescue boats rescued the return to the Rose on the verge of death, and has already frozen at this time of Jack swallowed by the relentless ice Jack Rose kept on promises, bravely alive After 1995, Rose went to the Titanic sank, "Perliamo" into the sea, the memory of Jack to come




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